The Sentiment Blog

Contactless Feedback Through QR Codes Now Available

The COVID-19 pandemic has made it essential to allow contactless interactions with customers. Sentiment now meets that need with the optional ability to use QR codes alongside the traditional terminal. Sentiment was designed to make to as easy and stress-free for customers to give feedback as possible. Up to now that involved a physical terminal with 3 buttons to touch. And it works great, making it effortless for customers.

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More Frequent Customer Sentiment Reports Now Available.

One of the key aims of Sentiment is to remove stress from business owners and managers. We do this is by makingMonthly reporting is no longer the only option in Sentiment. Today weekly and even daily reporting is available for those businesses who need it, though monthly remains the default since it is the optimal frequency for most businesses. Sentiment makes it simple for customers to provide feedback on how they feel about their experience.

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How Real-Time Data Can Hurt Your Business And Your Health.

It’s a cliché that we’re inundated with more data than ever before, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Throughout the day we have emails, tweets, news alerts, articles and more. In business we also have communication from customers through a range of social media, phone calls, and in person. And we might have customer surveys, complaints and compliments to consider as well. It can be overwhelming.

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How Ryanair Ignored The Complaints - And How You Can Too.

Ryanair are not only the largest airline in Europe but are also the airline which gets regular mentioned in newspapers and reviews sites as being among the worst in the world. How can this be? And what does it mean for your business? When Ryanair began their march to dominance from being a single-plane company they modelled themselves after Southwest Airlines in the US. But unlike Southwest, which has legendary service Ryanair almost from the beginning received loud and visible complaints.

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