Sentiment is the service that helps businesses both large and small to make sure they’re providing the service both they and their customers expect. If you have regular contact with any number of businesses who you think would benefit here’s your chance to help them - and earn some ongoing income for the next 10 years!

The Benefits For The Business.

Before I explain the affiliate program let me just briefly explain why Sentiment is so valuable to businesses of all sizes. The problem is that most customers don’t give any feedback of any kind to the business. Even those who have a bad experience don’t bother. In fact it’s really only the “professional cranks” and the very happy who do. And that’s a big problem.

Because they can’t see how their work is being received the business owner can spend time stressing over every complaint and working on things that make little difference to most customers. And if they’re focused on the wrong places they are vulnerable to competitors who do work on what matters to customers.

Sentiment helps by making it easy for customers to give feedback, and by crunching this to a single monthly report for the owner/manager to consider. Now they can identify when they’re providing the service customers want or take action when they’re not. And they can stop worrying about those isolated complaints.

Sentiment makes it easy by allowing the business to use existing tablets or phones as the feedback terminals. And we don’t inundate them with real-time data to monitor. Instead we send them a monthly email with a clear report.

All of which reduces stress, increases customer happiness, and improves the business revenue.

How You Can Earn Money And Help Local Businesses

So we have a solution that works for business. But we can’t reach everyone. And that’s why we created an affiliate program.

You let businesses know about our service and we give you 20% of their subscription every month. For 10 years.

This way you can help businesses you know and also earn some money. You don’t have to do anything more than tell them about us and send them to us through a personal link. This makes it perfect as a secondary income since you can devote as much or as little effort to it as you wish. It’s also a great source of stable revenue for non-profit and community associations.

We are offering 20% of monthly subscriptions (Net of VAT) for every account.

Taking our base plan this works out to €6.59/$7 per premises per month. Every month. For 10 years (or as long as they stay a subscriber).

The next level plan is worth €14/$15 per month. And our prices go up from there.

In fact it could be more in the case of somewhere like a hotel which might want to track the bar, spa, restaurant etc separately.

How Does It Work?

You apply to become an affiliate by creating an account with Paddle through this link

Paddle manage all the billing for our customers as well as the tracking of affiliate sales.

Once you’ve been approved - You get a unique link which you can use to send people to try out Sentiment for 30 days. - If they subscribe after the 30 day trial you will receive 20% of the ex-VAT subscription price. For 10 years.

If they sign up to a higher plan your earnings will increase as well.

Non-Profits and Community Associations

Our affiliate program is a great way for non-profits and community associations to make a regular income to fund their programs. All you have to do is let members know about it and have them tell the businesses they frequent. The businesses get valuable information that helps their business, and do so at the normal price. They also have the satisfaction of helping your cause. And you get a regular revenue stream.


What Do I Have To Do? That’s up to you. You could let people know in your blog or tell them when you shop with them. You might want to just leave them a card with the link or take the time to get them started.

How much effort you want to put in is up to you.

How Much Can I Earn? We give you 20% of the ex-VAT price. It works out to €6.59 per month for businesses on our lowest plan and €14 on the next highest. You will receive this every month of their subscription for 10 years after they sign up.

While most premises will sign-up once there are situations where they may take multiple subscriptions. For instance a hotel might want to assess customer satisfaction with rooms, the bar, the restaurant, spa etc. Each of these requires a separate subscription.

So how much you can earn will depend on the businesses you approach and how much time and effort you want to put in.

Who Can Apply? The affiliate program is designed for those who may want to earn the extra income but don’t want to make it the main focus of what they do. So we don’t expect you to be the support for the client or do more than let them know about us. This makes it great for individuals, clubs, non-profits etc.

We are also preparing a reseller program for businesses who may want to be more focused and make this an addition to their existing business.

How Do I Get Paid? When you create your affiliate account you will also be creating a Paddle account. Once this is done they will track and calculate all sign-ups and payments automatically. You can specify whether you want to be paid via Paypal or Bank Transfer.

How Is the Payment Calculated? This is where it gets slightly complicated. Paddle take care of all the tracking and payments. But they calculate the payment after they take their fee. So the 20% I quote is actually listed by Paddle as 22%. I want to be transparent and so I listed it as 20% of the sale price. But Paddle take 6.5% and then transfer 22% of that price to you.

We have more detailed information in our knowledgebase

Sentiment Pricing

These are our existing pricing plans. They are subject to change but our expectation is that increases would apply to new customers while existing ones would maintain the pricing they signed up with.



Receive up to 6,000 responses per month.That's an average of 200 per day, seven days a week.
This is ideal for 70% of businesses.



Receive up to 18,000 responses per month.That's an average of 600 per day, seven days a week.
This covers 85% of businesses.



Receive up to 60,000 responses per month.That's an average of 2,000 per day, seven days a week.
This is for extremely busy premises.



Receive up to 200,000 responses per month.That's an average of 6,000 per day, seven days a week.
This is for the 5% of busiest premises.


If you’re interested in becoming an affiliate sign up here

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